White-cheeked Pintail
(Males have brighter red bills than females)

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Red-necked Phalarope


Best seperated from similar, more common Red-necked Phalarope by thicker, shorter bill and plain grey, not streaked, back. Seperated from Wilson’s phalarope by oceanic habitat and dark eye patch.


A small ocean going sandpiper with a short, broad bill compared to other phalaropes. In non-breeding plumage, adult has reletively plain grey upperparts, white underparts and a white head with a dark eye-patch and variable dark grey on its hind crown and nape. Sexes alike in non-breeding plumage.

Galapagos Distribution

Recorded at sea throughout the archipelago.

Global Distribution

Breeds in the high arctic and overwinters at sea off the west coast of North and South America, east coast of South USA and the Caribbean and the west coast of Africa.

Status in the Galapagos

Uncommon non-breeding visitor. Recorded between August and April, but most common from November to December.