Dark-billed Cuckoo

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Galapagos Mockingbird


Most similar to the islands’ mockingbirds, but easily distinguished from these by shorter legs and bill, overall stance, unmarked yellowish underparts and plain brown back.


A slender cuckoo with brown upperparts, and buff underparts. It has a grey crown, a black mask over its eye, a thin yellow eyering, and a black bill. Its undertail is black with striking large white spots. Sexes are alike.

Galapagos Distribution

Found throughout the main archipelago, but most common on larger islands.

Global Distribution

Found throughout South America except for in Patagonia and along the west coast of the continent south of Ecuador.

Status in the Galapagos

A common to uncommon year round resident.


Vulnerable. With a total population of roughly 10, 000 mature individuals, this species is ranked as ‘vulnerable’. It has been extripated from Rabida and Santiago and populations across Santa Cruz and southern Isabela have been greatly reduced. It is threatened by invasive predators such as cats, dogs, pigs and rats that prey on its eggs young.