Nature Guide: Birds of the Galapagos Islands

Located roughly 1000 km (or 600 miles) off the coast of mainland South America, it comes as little surprise that the Galapagos’s avifauna is dominated by seabirds.  It is estimated that a staggering 750 000 seabirds visit the island each year, including 30% of the world’s Blue-footed Boobies, the world’s largest breeding population of Red-footed Boobies and virtually the entire breeding population of the iconic Waved Albatross. Out of the 19 species of seabird which can be recorded here, 5 are endemic to the island.  There are 27 species of resident land-birds of which an incredible 22 (81%) are endemic.  These include the famous Darwin’s Finches as well as 4 species of endemic mockingbirds.  The remainder of the archipelago’s 112 recorded species is made up of migrant species or vagrants.  This guide includes all 97 species a visitor to the islands can reasonable encounter, but excludes vagrants.   

Blue-winged Teal
Anas bahamensis
White-cheecked Pintail
Anas bahamensis
Pied-billed Grebe
Anas bahamensis
American Flamingo
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Dove
Anas bahamensis
Red-billed Tropicbird
Anas bahamensis
Blue-winged Teal
Anas bahamensis
White-cheecked Pintail
Anas bahamensis
Pied-billed Grebe
Anas bahamensis
American Flamingo
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Dove
Anas bahamensis
Red-billed Tropicbird
Anas bahamensis
Smoothe-billed Ani
Anas bahamensis
Waved Albatross
Anas bahamensis
Cattle Egret
Anas bahamensis
Magnificent Frigatebird
Anas bahamensis
American Oystercatcher
Anas bahamensis
Ruddy Turnstone
Anas bahamensis
Red-necked Phalarope
Anas bahamensis
Lesser Yellowlegs
Anas bahamensis
Laughing Gull
Anas bahamensis
Barn Owl
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Flycatcher
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Mockingbird
Anas bahamensis
Green Warbler-finch
Anas bahamensis
Small Tree-finch
Anas bahamensis
Medium Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Genovesa Cactus-finch
Anas bahamensis
Dark-billed Cuckoo
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Petrel
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Penguin
Anas bahamensis
Great Blue Heron
Anas bahamensis
Red-footed Booby
Anas bahamensis
Black-necked Stilt
Anas bahamensis
Anas bahamensis
Red Phalarope
Anas bahamensis
Greater Yellowlegs
Anas bahamensis
Lava Gull
Anas bahamensis
Short-eared Owl
Anas bahamensis
Little Vermilion Flycatcher
Anas bahamensis
Espanola Mockingbird
Anas bahamensis
Vegetarian Finch
Anas bahamensis
Mangrove Finch
Anas bahamensis
Genovesa Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Rail
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Shearwater
Anas bahamensis
Elliot's Storm-petrel
Anas bahamensis
Great Egret
Anas bahamensis
Blue-footed Booby
Anas bahamensis
Black-bellied Plover
Anas bahamensis
Least Sandpiper
Anas bahamensis
Spotted Sandpiper
Anas bahamensis
Brown Noddy
Anas bahamensis
Sooty Tern
Anas bahamensis
Anas bahamensis
Barn Swallow
Anas bahamensis
San Cristobal Mockingbird
Anas bahamensis
Sharp-beaked Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Woodpecker Finch
Anas bahamensis
Large Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Band-rumped Storm-petrel
Anas bahamensis
Paint-billed Crake
Anas bahamensis
Yellow-crowned Night-heron
Anas bahamensis
Brown Pelican
Anas bahamensis
Nazca Booby
Anas bahamensis
Semipalmated Plover
Anas bahamensis
Short-billed Dowitcher
Anas bahamensis
Wandering Tattler
Anas bahamensis
Swallow-tailed Gull
Anas bahamensis
Common Tern
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Hawk
Anas bahamensis
Galapagos Martin
Anas bahamensis
Yellow Warbler
Anas bahamensis
Large Tree-finch
Anas bahamensis
Vampire Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Espanola Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Wedge-rumped Storm-petrel
Anas bahamensis
Striated (Lava) Heron
Anas bahamensis
Great Frigatebird
Anas bahamensis
Flightless Cormorant
Anas bahamensis
Anas bahamensis
Wilson's Phalarope
Anas bahamensis
Anas bahamensis
Franklin's Gull
Anas bahamensis
Royal Tern
Anas bahamensis
Peregrine Falcon
Anas bahamensis
Floreana Mockingbird
Anas bahamensis
Gray Warbler-finch
Anas bahamensis
Medium Tree-finch
Anas bahamensis
Small Ground-finch
Anas bahamensis
Common Cactus-finch
Anas bahamensis