Galapagos Shearwater

Conolophus subcristatus​

Galapagos Shearwater

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Galapagos Petrel


Smaller than Galapagos Petrel with broader wings and tail. While the petrel is often solitary, this species usually occurs in groups and flies closer to the water, often skimming it with its wingtips – hence the family name shearwater.


A dark brown-black and white seabird with reletively broad, short wings and a rounded tail. Sexes are alike and juveniles are similar to adults.

Galapagos Distribution

Breeds on Espanola, Santa Cruz, a number of islets off Santa Cruz, Champion Island off Floreana and Wolf Island. It can be seen foraging throughout the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

Global Distribution

During non-breeding periods, this species disperses northwards throughout much of the central east Pacific as north as central Mexico.

Status in the Galapagos

Common breeding visitor with roughly 10,000 pairs visiting one of nearly 30 breeding sites in the archipelago each year. Breeding occurs throughout the year.