Wandering Tattler

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species



Seperated from larger non-breeding Willet by lack of pied wing pattern and yellow, not grey, legs.


In non breeding plumage, adult is overall grey with a whitish throat, white eye ring , white belly and vent, faint pale eyestripe, dark grey bill and yellow legs. Breeding plumage similar to that of non-breeding adult, but with boldly barred undeparts, streaked throat and prominent white eye stripe. Sexes alike.

Galapagos Distribution

Recorded on shorelines throughout the main archipelago.

Global Distribution

Breeding visitor to alaska and adjacent Canadian arctic. Overwinters along the West Coast of North, Central and South America from S Canada to N Chile.

Status in the Galapagos

Common migrant present year round but with reduced numbers in the northern summer. The Galapagos is one of this species main wintering grounds.