Yellow Warbler

Where to Look

Related Galapagos Species

Grey Warbler-finch


Unmistakeable. The only bright yellow bird in the Galapagos.


Male has striking, bright yellow underparts and yellow-green upperparts with an orange forecrown and streaks on its breast and flanks. Females have paler yellow underparts and lack the orange forecrown and breast streaks of males, sporting a grey nape instead.

Galapagos Distribution

This delightfull warbler is found throughout the archipelago on all major islands and smaller islands with adequate vegitation cover.

Global Distribution

Outside of the Galapagos it has a huge range with a migratory population occurring throughout North America (as far North as Alaska in the boreal summer) and sedentary populations across all of Central America and Northern South America as well as most of the Caribbean.

Status in the Galapagos

A common resident found in most habitats across the archipelago. The single subspecies present on the islands, S.p. aureola, is sometimes clasiified as a distinct species called Galapagos Yellow Warbler. This subspecies only occurs on the Galapagos and Cococs Islands off Costa Rica.