Pink Land Iguana

Where to Look

Related Galapagos Species

Galapagos Land Iguana
(Anas bahamensis)


A highly distinctive iguana, unlikely to be confused with any other Galapagos reptile. Co-occurs with Galapagos Land-Iguana, but easily seperated from this species by pink coloration.


A distinctive iguana with a diagnostic pink body decorated by bold black stripes. Males are significantly larger than females.

Galapagos Distribution

This species is restricted to a roughly 10km2 patch of land on the northern slopes of Wolf Volcano on northern Isabela.

Global Distribution

Endemic to the Galapagos

Status in the Galapagos

Fairly common, highly localised endemic species.


This Critically endangered species has a severely restricted range and a total population of no more than 200 mature individuals. It faces a number of threats, including nest predation by introduced predators such as rats, competition from Galapagos Land-Iguanas and the eruption of the highly active Wolf Volcano. No young have been observed in the wild, a worrying sighn for this speciess continued existecne.

Alternative Names

A number of names may be used when reffering to this species, namely Pink Land-Iguana, Pink Iguana, Martha’s Land-Iguana and Galapagos Pink Iguana.