Lava Gull

Where to Look

Related Galapagos Species

Swallow-tailed Gull


Adults are easily identified as handsome all grey gulls.


Adults have an overall sooty grey appearance with a dark grey hood, white ‘eyelids’, a thin red eyering, black bill and blackish legs and feet. Males are larger and bulkier with a less steeply sloping forehead than females. Juveniles are similar to adults, but browner overall and lack the dark hood.

Galapagos Distribution

Found throughout the main archipelago, but scarce in most areas. Popolation stronghold on Genovesa and in the towns of Puerto Ayora, Puerto Villamil and Puerto Baquerizo Moreno.

Global Distribution

Endemic to the Galapagos.

Status in the Galapagos

A scarce, but locally common endemic resident.


This is the worlds rarest gull. Although most estimates put the total population at roughly 600 – 800 individuals, some place it as low as 300 birds. Despite this tiny global population, the gull is only ranked as vulnerable because it is able to adapt well to human environments (it often occurs in harbours and around fishing villages) and its population appears to be stable.