Red-footed Booby

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Blue-footed Booby


All adult morphs can be distinguished from other Galapagos boobies through their pale blue bills, red feet and small size. All brown plumage of juveniles is distinctive.


A small, highly variable booby which comes in two main color morphs – brown (most common in the Galapagos) and white. Regardless of morph, all adults have pale blue bills with a light pink base and red legs and feet. Brow morphs can be light brown overall, have light brown bodies and white tails or have light brown bodies and white tails and heads. Adult white morphs are overall white with a yellow wash to their heads and necks, black trailing edges to their wings and white or black tails. Sexes alike. Juvenile has all brown body with a pale belly, blackish bill and greyish legs and feet.

Galapagos Distribution

Found throughout the Galapagos Marine Reserve. This species breeds on Genovesa, Wolf, Darwin, Gardener-by-Floreana, Pitt Islets and at Pitt Point on San Cristobal.

Global Distribution

Found throughout the world’s tropical oceans.

Status in the Galapagos

Common resident.