Red-necked Phalarope

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Red Phalarope


Dark eye patch seperates this species from Wilson’s Phalarope. Often occurs in mixed flocks with less common Red Phalarope, from which it is best seperated on account of its longer bill and streaked or mottled, not plain, grey back.


A small sandpiper with a long black bill and long legs. Non-breeding adult has grey streaked or mottled upperparts, white underparts and a white head with a dark crown and nape and black ear coverts. Sexes indistinguishable in non-breeding plumage.

Galapagos Distribution

Found throughout the archipelago, usually at sea and rarely in lagoons on larger islands. Forms large flocks of up to a thousand out at sea.

Global Distribution

Breeds in the arctic and overwinters at sea around Indonesia, the Arabian Peninsula and the west coast of Central and South America.

Status in the Galapagos

Common non-breeding migrant. Recorded in all months except June, but most common August to April, peaking December to January. One of the most abundant Galapagos migrants.