Royal Tern

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Common Tern


The only tern in the Galapagos with a bright orange bill.


A large tern with light grey upperparts, white underparts, black legs and feet and a bright orange bill. Non-breeding birds have a scruffy black crest. Juvenile similar to non-breeding adult, but has dark spots on its back.

Galapagos Distribution

Found throughout the Galapagos Marine Reserve.

Global Distribution

Widespread along the coastlines of E USA south to central Argentina, SW USA to S Peru and NW Africa to S Angola.

Status in the Galapagos

Uncommon non-breeding visitor, usually recorded December to April, but may turn up at any time of the year.


Vulnerable. With a total population of roughly 10, 000 mature individuals, this species is ranked as ‘vulnerable’. It has been extripated from Rabida and Santiago and populations across Santa Cruz and southern Isabela have been greatly reduced. It is threatened by invasive predators such as cats, dogs, pigs and rats that prey on its eggs young.