Wilson's Phalarope

Where to Look

Similar Galapagos Species

Red-necked Phalarope


Seperated from both non-breeding Red-necked and Red Phalarope by lack of dark eye patch. In addition, this species occurs on lagoons rather than out at sea like the other two phalaropes.


A long-legged, slender sanpiper with a long, needle-like bill. In non-breeding plumage, has light grey upperparts, white eye-brow and white underparts and rump. Sexes are similar in non-breeding plumage, but males are slightly smaller than females.

Galapagos Distribution

Recorded throughout the main archipelago, usually on lagoons on larger islands.

Global Distribution

Breeding visitor to sub arctic North America , overwintering in west and south South America.

Status in the Galapagos

Uncommon non-breeding visitor, present August to March, but most common between August and December.